在汉语和英文中,都有这句谚语:授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。Kennedy & Gao 的教育咨询服务专注于后者。我们培养内心充盈、积极行动、富有激情和创造力的全才。当我们把这些特质作为长期目标,获得优异大学的录取便是成长路上不请自来的副产品。
In both English and Chinese, we have a saying: Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime. Teaching fishing is important to us. Our students don't achieve success only through admissions results. We focus on helping them become well-rounded, reflective, capable, creative, and passionate. When we focus on these values as our goals, success in admissions becomes a happy byproduct of a much more important process: growing up.
我们对国际学生申请海外高校的流程有深刻的共鸣和独到的见解。我们曾身处同样的出发点:渴望去到一所能激发潜力,为自己创造最好未来的校园;渴望在大洋彼岸寻到一伙志同道合的好友,和心仪的学术/工作机会;我们也曾应对过作为国际学生的各种不利因素,无论是作为非母语者学习准备标化考试和背景活动、还是同时应付国内外不同教育系统的严苛要求;更重要的是,在这段旅程中,我们学会了向来自不同文化的受众真实且自如地展现自我,无论是招生办、面试官,还是同学、教授...... 我们曾身处同样的出发点,但在不久的将来,你也会看到我们眼下所见之景。
We have both deep insight and unique empathy for the process of international school admissions. We know how it feels to want a curriculum that feeds our creativity and critical thinking. We know how eager you are to find like-minded friends and opportunities in a new place. We know how hard it is to manage two completely different college application systems, deal with TOEFL and SAT as non-native speakers, and learn how to present ourselves authentically to different audiences in different cultures.
我们的教育咨询服务专注于帮助学生打开心扉,发现自己。我们认为,最有可能成功的申请者是那些对自己有充分觉知的学生。当他能对自己的成长历程进行客观、深入的反思,就会对未来想要选择的道路有更清晰的决策;当他能像自如展示个人成就一样,坦诚讨论自己弱点,就可以轻松建立受用一生的人际关系; 当他因做到上述两点而胸有成竹,就可以同时对新的体验保持开放心态,又忠于自己的成长和文化背景。我们的教育咨询服务不仅仅包含学科知识和背景活动的提,更是引领学生以激情和自信的学习心态面对人生的新篇章。
The best applicant and student most prepared for success is the one who knows himself best. He knows that being as open with his vulnerabilities as his successes can lead him to make connections that will serve him his whole life. With a deep understanding of who he is becoming, he can pass from childhood to adulthood reflectively and respectfully. When he is self-sure, he can be open to new experiences yet authentic to his upbringing. It is as important to impart an education that equips students to face challenges with spirit and confidence as it is to teach them subjects that will develop them as intellectuals.
我们的的留学教育咨询服务不止于学生得到海外高校的录取。我们的目标不仅是帮助学生获得学术上的成功,更是帮助他们开拓在西方的人际关系网络,在工作和生活中持续获得收益。Kennedy & Gao 的学徒们在海外的人脉将始于我们的积累:无论是名校教授还是业内专家,我们将视若己出,并步步引领他们学会建立自己的关系网络。
We hope our students can not only find their place in academic and intellectual life abroad in the West, but connect with a network that will continue to support them alongside us, professionally and personally. Our student’s network starts here with us, and it doesn’t end when they receive their admissions decisions. We trust them with our own networks and support them while they begin to connect and discover their own.
We believe in the power of the ancient and deeply personal relationship between a teacher and a student. Before we had admissions and standardized testing, we had a different model of school. Trusted teachers taught students in accordance with their aptitudes and established deeply personal relationships with them in long-term one-on-one sessions. Just like how Aristotle was charged with the education of Alexander, or how Confucius was accompanied by his disciples while he traveled, we too believe that we have the unique responsibility to instill the values of global leadership and scholarship in every student we work with. That’s why we keep our teams small and limit the students we take on; only this way can we ensure that we can forge lasting intellectual and emotional connections with each student.
And finally, when all is said and done, we believe admissions is all about people. It's a chance to reflect on how far we've come. It's thinking about how we'll honor who we once were while opening ourselves to the transformative process of our own maturation. It is learning to present our personhood to others. And it is knowing that when we finish college, we won't be kids anymore: we'll be people. So in this personal process, find good people. Find those who are kind, educated, moral, and fun. Find those who you’d want to open up to, who you’d want to grow up with. Find people like us.